// // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits // // of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting // // source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the // // original comment or credit authors. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // include "mainfile.php"; /********************************************/ /* Function to let your client login to see */ /* the stats */ /********************************************/ function clientlogin() { global $xoopsDB, $xoopsLogger, $xoopsConfig; include("header.php"); echo "
Advertising Statistics
"; $token =& XoopsMultiTokenHandler::quickCreate('banner_Ok'); echo $token->getHtml(); echo "

Please type your client information
"; include "footer.php"; } /*********************************************/ /* Function to display the banners stats for */ /* each client */ /*********************************************/ function bannerstats($login, $pass) { global $xoopsDB, $xoopsConfig, $xoopsLogger; if ($login == "" || $pass == "") { redirect_header("banners.php",2); exit(); } $result = $xoopsDB->query(sprintf("SELECT cid, name, passwd FROM %s WHERE login=%s", $xoopsDB->prefix("bannerclient"), $xoopsDB->quoteString($login))); list($cid, $name, $passwd) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result); if ( $pass==$passwd ) { include "header.php"; echo "

Current Active Banners for $name

"; $result = $xoopsDB->query("select bid, imptotal, impmade, clicks, date from ".$xoopsDB->prefix("banner")." where cid=$cid"); while ( list($bid, $imptotal, $impmade, $clicks, $date) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result) ) { if ( $impmade == 0 ) { $percent = 0; } else { $percent = substr(100 * $clicks / $impmade, 0, 5); } if ( $imptotal == 0 ) { $left = "Unlimited"; } else { $left = $imptotal-$impmade; } $token =& XoopsMultiTokenHandler::quickCreate('banner_EmailStats'); echo ""; } echo "
ID Imp. Made Imp. Total Imp. Left Clicks % Clicks Functions
$bid $impmade $imptotal $left $clicks $percent% E-mail Stats

Following are your running Banners in ".htmlspecialchars($xoopsConfig['sitename'])."

"; $result = $xoopsDB->query("select bid, imageurl, clickurl, htmlbanner, htmlcode from ".$xoopsDB->prefix("banner")." where cid=$cid"); while ( list($bid, $imageurl, $clickurl,$htmlbanner, $htmlcode) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result) ) { $numrows = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result); if ($numrows>1) { echo "

"; } if (!empty($htmlbanner) && !empty($htmlcode)){ echo $myts->displayTarea($htmlcode); }else{ if(strtolower(substr($imageurl,strrpos($imageurl,".")))==".swf") { echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } else { echo ""; } } $token =& XoopsMultiTokenHandler::quickCreate('banner_EmailStats'); echo"Banner ID: $bid
Send E-Mail Stats for this Banner
"; if (!$htmlbanner){ $token =& XoopsMultiTokenHandler::quickCreate('banner_Change'); $clickurl = htmlspecialchars($clickurl, ENT_QUOTES); echo "This Banner points to this URL
Change URL: "; echo $token->getHtml(); echo "
"; } } /* Finnished Banners */ echo "
"; if(!$result = $xoopsDB->query("select bid, impressions, clicks, datestart, dateend from ".$xoopsDB->prefix("bannerfinish")." where cid=$cid")){ echo "

Banners Finished for $name

"; while ( list($bid, $impressions, $clicks, $datestart, $dateend) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result) ) { $percent = substr(100 * $clicks / $impressions, 0, 5); echo ""; } echo "
ID Impressions Clicks % Clicks Start Date End Date
$bid $impressions $clicks $percent% ".formatTimestamp($datestart)." ".formatTimestamp($dateend)."
"; } include "footer.php"; } else { redirect_header("banners.php",2); exit(); } } /*********************************************/ /* Function to let the client E-mail his */ /* banner Stats */ /*********************************************/ function EmailStats($login, $cid, $bid, $pass) { global $xoopsDB, $xoopsConfig; if ($login != "" && $pass != "") { $cid = intval($cid); $bid = intval($bid); if ($result2 = $xoopsDB->query(sprintf("select name, email, passwd from %s where cid=%u AND login=%s", $xoopsDB->prefix("bannerclient"), $cid, $xoopsDB->quoteString($login)))) { list($name, $email, $passwd) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result2); if ($pass == $passwd) { if ($email == "") { redirect_header("banners.php",3,"There isn't an email associated with client ".$name.".
Please contact the Administrator"); exit(); } else { if ($result = $xoopsDB->query("select bid, imptotal, impmade, clicks, imageurl, clickurl, date from ".$xoopsDB->prefix("banner")." where bid=$bid and cid=$cid")) { list($bid, $imptotal, $impmade, $clicks, $imageurl, $clickurl, $date) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result); if ( $impmade == 0 ) { $percent = 0; } else { $percent = substr(100 * $clicks / $impmade, 0, 5); } if ( $imptotal == 0 ) { $left = "Unlimited"; $imptotal = "Unlimited"; } else { $left = $imptotal-$impmade; } $fecha = date("F jS Y, h:iA."); $subject = "Your Banner Statistics at ".$xoopsConfig['sitename']; $message = "Following are the complete stats for your advertising investment at ". $xoopsConfig['sitename']." :\n\n\nClient Name: $name\nBanner ID: $bid\nBanner Image: $imageurl\nBanner URL: $clickurl\n\nImpressions Purchased: $imptotal\nImpressions Made: $impmade\nImpressions Left: $left\nClicks Received: $clicks\nClicks Percent: $percent%\n\n\nReport Generated on: $fecha"; $xoopsMailer =& getMailer(); $xoopsMailer->useMail(); $xoopsMailer->setToEmails($email); $xoopsMailer->setFromEmail($xoopsConfig['adminmail']); $xoopsMailer->setFromName($xoopsConfig['sitename']); $xoopsMailer->setSubject($subject); $xoopsMailer->setBody($message); $xoopsMailer->send(); $token =& XoopsMultiTokenHandler::quickCreate('banner_Ok'); redirect_header("banners.php?op=Ok&login=$login&pass=$pass&".$token->getUrl(), 3, "Statistics for your banner has been sent to your email address."); exit(); } } } } } redirect_header("banners.php",2); exit(); } /*********************************************/ /* Function to let the client to change the */ /* url for his banner */ /*********************************************/ function change_banner_url_by_client($login, $pass, $cid, $bid, $url) { global $xoopsDB; if ($login != "" && $pass != "" && $url != "") { $cid = intval($cid); $bid = intval($bid); $sql = sprintf("select passwd from %s where cid=%u and login=%s", $xoopsDB->prefix("bannerclient"), $cid, $xoopsDB->quoteString($login)); if ($result = $xoopsDB->query($sql)) { list($passwd) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result); if ( $pass == $passwd ) { $sql = sprintf("update %s set clickurl=%s where bid=%u AND cid=%u", $xoopsDB->prefix("banner"), $xoopsDB->quoteString($url), $bid, $cid); if ($xoopsDB->query($sql)) { $token =& XoopsMultiTokenHandler::quickCreate('banner_Ok'); redirect_header("banners.php?op=Ok&login=$login&pass=$pass&".$token->getUrl(), 3, "URL has been changed."); exit(); } } } } redirect_header("banners.php",2); exit(); } function clickbanner($bid) { global $xoopsDB; if (is_int($bid) && $bid > 0) { if (xoops_refcheck()) { if ($bresult = $xoopsDB->query("select clickurl from ".$xoopsDB->prefix("banner")." where bid=$bid")) { list($clickurl) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($bresult); $xoopsDB->queryF("update ".$xoopsDB->prefix("banner")." set clicks=clicks+1 where bid=$bid"); header ('Location: '.$clickurl); } } } exit(); } $op = ''; if (!empty($_POST['op'])) { $op = $_POST['op']; } elseif (!empty($_GET['op'])) { $op = $_GET['op']; } $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); switch ( $op ) { case "click": $bid = 0; if (!empty($_GET['bid'])) { $bid = intval($_GET['bid']); } clickbanner($bid); break; case "login": clientlogin(); break; case "Ok": if (!XoopsMultiTokenHandler::quickValidate('banner_Ok')) { redirect_header("banners.php"); exit(); } $login = $pass = ''; if (!empty($_GET['login'])) { $login = $myts->stripslashesGPC(trim($_GET['login'])); } if (!empty($_GET['pass'])) { $pass = $myts->stripslashesGPC(trim($_GET['pass'])); } if (!empty($_POST['login'])) { $login = $myts->stripslashesGPC(trim($_POST['login'])); } if (!empty($_POST['pass'])) { $pass = $myts->stripslashesGPC(trim($_POST['pass'])); } bannerstats($login, $pass); break; case "Change": if (!XoopsMultiTokenHandler::quickValidate('banner_Change')) { redirect_header("banners.php"); exit(); } $login = $pass = $url = ''; $bid = $cid = 0; if (!empty($_POST['login'])) { $login = $myts->stripslashesGPC(trim($_POST['login'])); } if (!empty($_POST['pass'])) { $pass = $myts->stripslashesGPC(trim($_POST['pass'])); } if (!empty($_POST['url'])) { $url = $myts->stripslashesGPC(trim($_POST['url'])); } if (!empty($_POST['bid'])) { $bid = intval($_POST['bid']); } if (!empty($_POST['cid'])) { $cid = intval($_POST['cid']); } change_banner_url_by_client($login, $pass, $cid, $bid, $url); break; case "EmailStats": if (!XoopsMultiTokenHandler::quickValidate('banner_EmailStats')) { redirect_header("banners.php"); exit(); } $login = $pass = ''; $bid = $cid = 0; if (!empty($_GET['login'])) { $login = $myts->stripslashesGPC(trim($_GET['login'])); } if (!empty($_GET['pass'])) { $pass = $myts->stripslashesGPC(trim($_GET['pass'])); } if (!empty($_GET['bid'])) { $bid = intval($_GET['bid']); } if (!empty($_GET['cid'])) { $cid = intval($_GET['cid']); } EmailStats($login, $cid, $bid, $pass); break; default: clientlogin(); break; } ?>